You get a spreadsheet report by email every Friday. It shows your revenue numbers, the number of orders and other key metrics for your business. It’s important stuff. And Jonathan does a great job putting it together. However, Jonathan is sick for a...
Gaslighting at Work: 6 Tips to Overcome it in 2025
In the 1944 film Gaslight, Ingrid Bergman plays a woman who is manipulated by her husband to the point where she questions her own memory and even sanity. FYI, Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for that film. This phenomenon is not...
All You Need To Know About Succession Planning
Did you know that only 49% of leaders are sure they can plan for the next leader in a clear and consistent way? Not that I blame them—making succession plans can be a task. That’s why knowledge of succession planning is absolutely necessary. Every...
The Top 9 Jira Alternatives For Team Collaboration
Team collaboration is significantly easier due to advances in technology. Maybe you’ve been using Jira but aren’t happy with the features, pricing, or possibly something else. Fortunately, we’ve used our experience in the industry to put together a...
5 Tips on How to Be Productive at Work after Seasonal Holidays
If you feel like you need a vacation after a vacation or just another day off after the weekend, you’re not alone. The transition get back to work after seasonal holidays is always stressful. After soaking up the sun and lounging on the sand, making...
18 Experts Share Tips for Businesses Switching to Remote Work
The world is going through a lot right now, with the current outbreak of the coronavirus. Lots of things changed in recent weeks, and most prominently, a lot of companies switched to working remotely. While remote work is far from a novelty, many...
Asana vs Trello: Which Tool Is Better? Projects, Boards, Tasks And Other Features Review
So, do you consider using Asana or Trello as project management tools? If you’re on the fence, you’ve come to the right place. This review will assist you in making the best choice. Welcome! At Chanty, we love exploring different tools...
Top 11 Business Communication Trends in 2025
Communication is one of the fundamental elements of business. Customers, partners, and remote employees are exactly the people you should be able to stay in touch with in 24/7 mode. The means to support remote team collaboration enable the scale of...
10 Platforms for Communication Competence in a Hybrid Work Model
Hybrid work has become commonplace in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Teams who once had a fine-tuned rhythm for managing projects were suddenly forced to learn how to work together from miles apart. Although communication tools have made...
I Switched from 9 to 5 Job to Flexible Working Hours. Here’s What It’s Really Like
Sitting in the office from 9 to 5 made me sick. In the mornings, I worked quite efficiently, but after 2 p.m., it was all downhill. My attention would start to scatter. I would open my Facebook newsfeed and news websites, feeling guilty about not...
How We Get Powerful Backlinks Using the HARO Platform
If you’ve been following Chanty, you know that a lot of our success with marketing can be attributed to SEO. In fact, we’ve written about our techniques extensively in publications such as Hubspot. Building links remains one of our main tactics for...
Asana vs Monday: More Powerful Collaboration Tool for the Era of Remote Work
Remote workers face many challenges, but the most pressing one is the lack of clear structure in communication and collaboration processes. Asana and are two popular tools trying to bring some discipline into this otherwise very fluid...
The Importance of Business Communication
Business communication is a method of sharing information between staff, customers, outside companies, and investors. In fact, effective business communication is crucial for maintaining a successful business. There’s no way a business can function...
How to Create and Manage Virtual Teams and What Challenges They May Face
Many organizations have moved to hybrid work – this means employees are establishing a new method of collaborating and communicating. Virtual teams undertake most of their work online rather than coming into the office and meeting with their...
How to Create and Share Your Company’s Core Values with Your Team
Developing and implementing strong company values can transform your business – it can help managers make better decisions, stakeholders hire the right people, and employees exemplify the best parts of your business culture. While they may seem...
Creating a Unique “Welcome to The Team” Kit for New Employees
The famous saying “first impression is the last impression” is certainly familiar to you. Even if you’ve heard this pearl of wisdom before, you have to acknowledge that it still stands true and can be applied to almost every...
How Modern Innovations Revolutionize Digital Workplace
The modern-day workplace has changed so much over the last ten years, and with every year that passes now, it seems as though these changes are becoming more and more drastic. We’re solidly beginning to say goodbye to the usual 9-5 routine for good...
Is Flexible Working the Future Approach to Employment?
Every major or minor change in the world transforms the world’s ways to some degree. Nowadays, the world observed the lockdowns, isolations, and quarantines. Moreover, these uncertainties affected everything. A person’s lifestyle, way of...
Working with Millennials: Expert Tips, Stereotypes and Pure Facts
My close relative (a baby boomer) works in the concert business. He says he’s hired plenty of millennials—and they are all useless. “Hard to please,” “impossible to understand,” “lazy,” “entitled,” and...
Collaboration Tools: The Guide to Implementing and Cutting the Costs
Following the current world events, your company’s financial health is probably consuming your thoughts more than normal. You can be more cost-effective with your employees, time, and assets by collaborating in innovative ways. Many businesses...
Does a 4 Day Work Week Actually Work?
Have you heard about the recent workplace buzz? The 4 day work week is a trendy workplace practice that is being talked about a lot. The key goal is to have three days off to achieve a better work-life balance. However, there are differing views on...
Top 6 Zoom Alternatives (Features and Pricing)
Zoom has exploded in popularity and therefore so have alternatives to Zoom, and there are a lot of them! But, when someone mentions the word meeting to you, you probably imagine a room full of people in a corporate building. What about a...
Over-Collaboration vs Not Enough, How to Hit the Right Balance at Work
Thanks to the technological advancements in the workplace, collaboration is now easier than ever and teams of all sizes can reap the benefits of collaboration tools, such as increased productivity and more time to do meaningful work. However, too...
Time for Smartphone Detox—How to Stop Checking Your Phone Every Minute
Let me ask you a question: How many times have you looked at your phone today? You most likely don’t know, but you wouldn’t be too proud of the number either if you knew the truth. Even though we think we’re not addicted to our phones, we glance at...