Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. You wouldn’t expect your loved ones to read your mind, would you? ( least not all of the time) So why should your customers and employees have to do all of the guesswork? The single...
What is Hot Desking and Its Trends for 2025?
The flexibility and the benefits of remote work have made it a preferred working model in the present day. Employees want to avoid dealing with morning traffic and chaotic workspaces again. On the other hand, employers save big by not renting or...
5 Tips to Improve Cross Functional Collaboration in a Remote Team
Cross-functional collaboration is vital for the success of a remote team. Unfortunately, according to a study published in the Harvard Business Review 75% of the time, a cross-functional team is dysfunctional. Yet, OWL Labs claimed that in 2019...
7 Security Best Practices for Your Remote Teams
As more and more companies are shifting towards remote work, ensuring the security of sensitive data and confidential information has become a top priority. With remote work, there is an increased risk of security breach and cyber-attack. To...
Office Holy Wars About Blocking Social Networking Sites
Social networks are a huge part of our everyday lives, both at work and at home. It’s easy to get lost in the avalanche of social media updates. Before you know it, your whole workday has been consumed by unproductive web surfing, tweets, and posts...
SaaS Pricing Models – A Smarter Alternative to Freemium and Free Trial
SaaS pricing strategies As a SaaS startup team, you’ll have to choose a pricing model for your product at some point. This decision is crucial as it shapes the future of your brand, your marketing and your business. When we started our pricing...
Trends in Digital Communication
Darwin once said that we do not adapt, but perish. This has never been more true than it is today. Digital marketing platforms have become incredibly influential. We all need to be extremely flexible and agile if we want to keep up with the current...
SaaS Content Marketing: How Chanty Got from 0 to 10K Leads (Step-by-Step Guide)
In this article, I’m sharing the exact steps we took to get our Chanty website from 0 to almost 400K visits and from 0 to 10K leads in two years. I know, the numbers aren’t too impressive. It’s not like saying, “I got from 0 to 125 million visitors...
Presenteeism at Work: Its Causes, Solutions and Impact on Work Productivity
Presenteeism is a growing concern for managers and HR professionals around the world. Presenteeism is the practice of employees coming to work but feeling unwell – typically due to a strong workplace culture, fear of retribution, or...
Workflow Automation: What, Why and How Businesses Automate Everyday Tasks
Automation has become a business imperative. With the demand to cut down on costs and do more with less, businesses are turning to automating simple repetitive tasks. Be it collecting lead data sending out an onboarding campaign or improving team...
Monday Blues: How to Stop Being Unproductive at Work?
Monday blues are understandable and acceptable. However, if your Monday Blues last until Friday, there is a severe problem in your working style or routine that you must address as soon as possible. Without a doubt, being productive and focused at...
What is a Toxic Work Environment and How to Deal With It?
We’ve all had dreadful mornings, difficult weekdays, and even frustrating months. You can usually get through a horrible morning, or a difficult week, and acquire vital insights from a poor quarter but it’s not easy to get through a...
Top 7 Strategies For Effective Communication In Retail Industry
Effective communication is essential in the retail industry to maintain smooth operations, create team cohesion, and ensure high customer satisfaction. In such a fast-paced and ever-changing environment, and working with such diverse teams within an...
Art of Problem Solving: 11 Brilliant Problem Solving Methods and Techniques Nobody Taught You
No one likes problems, especially at work. However, they’re part of our everyday work routine. If you take a look at job ads online, many of them will list “problem solving techniques” as a necessity for the job role. The truth is that every...
Outdoor Team Building Activities to Keep Your Team Connected and Engaged
Team-building activities are socializing exercises for teams that strengthen teamwork relationships among coworkers. These activities are an excellent approach to developing skills like creative thinking and collaboration. According to...
7 Useful Tips to Create an Ideal Work Environment
Our environment has an impact on us mentally and physically. We can also say that this has major implications for our productive and creative days. The majority of us may work in environments that might sacrifice comfort, function, and livability —...
What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It?
Do you take constructive criticism personally? Do you feel that you fooled everyone again every time you succeed? Are you scared that it is just a matter of time before you’re “found out?” Do the smallest flaws in your work give you a shiver? Do you...
8 Top Real Estate Apps for Agents
The real estate industry is constantly evolving, and as we step into 2025, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that agents need to adapt to the changing landscape to remain competitive. The days of relying solely on a charming personality and...
10 Desk Organization Ideas for home and office
Cleaning and office desk organization are practices, not projects. – Meagan Francis Have you ever wondered how much time we actually spend working? According to Huffpost Australia’s research, over the course of a lifetime, an average person spends...
5 Communication Barriers and Ways to Overcome Them
We all know good communication is essential to strong relationships in our work and personal lives. Communication is the glue that holds relationships, families, and friendships together. At work, it can be the difference between a project...
14 Motivational Gifts Ideas to Boost Employee Morale
Sometimes it’s a hassle coming up with unique and affordable appreciation gifts for employees. Gone are the days when employees used to get excited from the usual and monotonous presents like notebooks with a brand logo or candy bags. To...
8 Work Styles: Definition and Importance
In the last few years, the approach to work has changed dramatically. We don’t need to work from 9 to 5 (or at least not everyone), we don’t need cubicles as much as we did in the past, and we don’t need (want) to climb the corporate ladder. ...
11 Essential Collaboration Skills for Effective Teamwork
There’s no doubt, nothing in today’s work environment is ordinary. It’s a fast-paced, interconnected, and hybrid workplace. That’s why collaboration is the recipe for a successful team. Effective teamwork is the cornerstone of high-performing...
7 Management Styles and How to Become the Best Boss Ever?
Let’s keep it simple. There are basically two management styles: “bossy” and “buddy.” All managers are drifting between these extremes, looking for the best approach in their particular cases. For you to choose the right management...