Work-from-home arrangements are most successful when employers set clear parameters and invest in technology, such as videoconferencing, to help remote personnel feel like they are part of the team, – McDonald
Remote working, working-at-home, telecommuting, and any other similar variations of terms that describe working outside the walls of a traditional office, are getting increased popularity in recent years. Before Covid 19 working from home was a luxury that many of us dreamed of. Seeing pictures of remote workers in some distant places was something that we all wished for (at least I know I did). But let’s be real. Not all that glitters is gold. Working from home has some pitfalls as well.
There are many studies and statistics that favor both ways but together with my team, we decided to make a pros and cons list that will take you in and help you investigate this way of working, letting you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the same.

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