End-to-End Encryption & Role-Based Access
Keep course materials and private discussions secure.
A distraction-free hub for structured lesson planning, seamless student collaboration, and effortless communication – all in one place.
Demo buchenfaster course setup & student onboarding
saved per week on lesson planning & admin work
fewer distractions from unorganized communication
Absolut einfach zu nutzen. Chanty kann jede Art von Arbeit erledigen
Streamline course management, boost student engagement, and keep learning organized with Chanty.
We never thought online music lessons could feel this natural. The video calls make classes more flexible and accessible, while sharing teaching materials is effortless, enhancing the learning experience. Our students feel more connected and supported than ever.
Chanty has simplified our communication and scheduling for both in-person and online sessions, making our workflow much more efficient and coordinated.
It's the ideal tool for managing our online coaching sessions and providing real-time feedback. The platform’s channels for sharing information and resources have made the coaching process more interactive and efficient.
Staying connected on the go used to be a challenge, but now it just feels effortless. Whether we're at clinics or labs, accessing materials from any device has made communication smoother and more efficient. The file sharing and video call features have genuinely transformed how our departments collaborate. It’s become an indispensable part of our daily routine.
We needed a secure and organized platform for our team-based projects, and Chanty fit perfectly. Real-time communication and efficient file sharing have streamlined collaboration while keeping our data protected. It's reassuring to know we can rely on it without worrying about security risks.
Chanty has been a fantastic addition to our learning environment. For students juggling business case simulations, practical assignments, and team projects, being able to share files instantly and discuss ideas in dedicated groups has greatly improved the quality of our work. Collaborating with peers from around the globe is now much more efficient. We can exchange files, ideas, and experiences without worrying about technical difficulties.
Communication has never felt this smooth. The task management tools and easy resource sharing keep us on track, whether we're collaborating with coaches or supporting clients. It’s made our teamwork more organized and productive, and we honestly didn’t expect such a big difference.
ISO 27001
ISO 9001
Zahlen Sie monatlich oder jährlich, und kündigen Sie jede Zeit.
Für kleine und mittlere
$0für immer
Für größere Unternehmen oder diejenigen, die erweiterte Verwaltungstools suchen
Standard-Funktionen plus:
Chanty ist eine leistungsstarke Slack Alternative mit ausgefeilten Datenmigrationsfunktionen.
Importieren Sie einfach alle Ihre Daten aus einem beliebigen Kommunikationstool und treten Sie der Chanty -Familie sofort bei.
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